
Ocotillo Express

What is the Ocotilo Express? The Ocotillo Express is a way for you to receive e-mail messages instantly about Arizona ESA Sisters and Brothers. It’s nice to hear “News” immediately when Congratulations are in order or be there for a fellow sister or brother in need.

If you would like to receive the Ocotillo Express emails please submit your current e-mail address, name, and chapter to  Shari Stapleton-Smith at .

Chaplain is Rosa Villafane
Please email them your news and they will make sure it gets posted to the Ocotillo Express as well as report at the Council meetings and in the bulletin. This helps us keep in touch by e-mailing either one with the “News” to be shared.


Receiving Bulletins

Bulletins are emailed electronically via email. If you would like to receive the Bulletin, please contact April Aguiñaga at and give her your e-mail address.
Past issues are also available here –

If you’d like to read the IC ESA Newsletter please use this link. ESA IC Newsletters You may need your own login & password to access it.